Jesus didn’t die
for an unknown, unnamed,
unnumbered group of people.
He didn’t die hoping many
would believe in Him, and
wondering who they might be.
Jesus’ death was personal.
He died for His people.
He loved them and
He died for them.
He didn’t suffer for sin
in a general sense. He suffered
for the specific sins
committed by His own children.
He loved them to death.
He knew them by name.
He died for their sin.
He chose us in Him
before the foundation of the world,
that we should be holy
and without blame
before Him in love,
having predestined us to adoption
as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself,
according to the good pleasure of His will.
For the transgressions of My people
He was stricken.
Ephesians 1:4-5, Isaiah 53:8 NKJB
Also: Romans 8:29-30