new year prayer

Lord, please help me
to be discerning,
but not judgmental,
careful but not critical,
confident in my standing with You.
Help me to love without limits,
to speak Your truth, not my opinion,
to be open to Your leading,
but closed to every false way.
Teach me to persevere
under pressure,
to remain joyful in trials,
and to trust You
for the outcome of both.
Equip me, Lord God,
for I am Your ambassador,
with boldness and clarity,
compassion and strength,
wise teaching and clear direction.
May my works and words
glorify Your name,
even as they build up for me
eternal rewards
and treasures beyond compare.

“Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…
seek first the kingdom of God.”
Matthew 6:20, 33 NKJV

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